Statistical Report Program for the Training Institute

Материал из Бахаи Википедии
(перенаправлено с «SRP Institute»)
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Веб-ресурс для скачивания программы SRP

Программа, разработанная в Мировом центре бахаи для сбора статистической информации о деятельности общин бахаи в мире, формирования отчетов и отправки их в Мировой центр для анализа. Программа (версия 1.0) была анонсирована в письме от 5 июня 2011 года:

« In an attempt to help training institutes everywhere follow progress at the cluster level, we are, at the request of the Universal House of Justice, in the process of developing a computer program called the Statistical Report Program for the Training Institute (SRP Institute). In recent months it has been successfully tested in a number of clusters in various countries around the world, and it has now reached a stage where it can be shared more widely.

The program allows for the recording of basic information on children’s classes, junior youth groups, and study circles, as well as on individuals participating in these activities, whether registered as Bahá’ís or not. It also allows for the generation of several reports that can support the institute in its work and inform the planning process at the cluster level. It is available for download through the link, which may be freely shared among those serving as coordinators of the institute.


Пароль и логин все еще актуальны на момент данной публикации. :)

Скачать программу SRP Institute, версия 1.0

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